Morrill Act & Land-Grant Institutions

August 30, 2012

One hundred and fifty years ago Congress passed the Morrill Act funding institutions of higher education with grants of federal land. Sponsored by Vermont statesman Justin Smith Morrill, this legislation sought to make education at colleges and universities more practical and more available to the working classes.

If you are interested in more information on the topic consult our Morrill Act & Land-Grant Institutions Research Guide or ask a librarian for assistance.

Linda Kott
Information Services Librarian


Briggs Library Student Ambassadors

August 27, 2012

Briggs Library Student Ambassadors

Have a question about #SDSU or #BriggsLibrary? Stop by the Library and ask our Student Ambassador!

Look at this friendly face. There are all kinds of friendly people at the library waiting to help you. Please stop in and we will happily answer your questions.